
12 January 2011

Country Tweeds - patterns & textures

Cinder herringbone tweed coat and walnut brown Robert Noble Tweed suit from. 
Tweed Patterns

When Prince Albert purchased Balmoral estate in 1848, every English gentleman (who could afford it that is) wanted to own a Scottish estate and.......
Balmoral Tweed pattern from
when he designed the Balmoral Tweed  around 1850, it became the trend to have your own estate tweed. And unlike tartan, everyone can wear any estate tweed.

Lomond Tweed from
Larger guys (tall or in weight) should go for the plainer tweeds or the larger checks in keeping with their frame such as this Lomond tweed. The smaller checks will just make you look larger than you are.
Cairn Tweed from caption
Smaller guys (short or in weight) should avoid the larger checks as these will just drown their frame and go for the smaller checks instead, such as the Cairn tweed.

 Tweed patterns range from the mottled plain, flecked, herringbone and hound’s tooth (or dogtooth), to plaid, tartan and checks.

Tweed textures

Thick and hairy or smooth and silky? No I’m not talking about whether to shave or not, but tweed fabrics!

Thompson ticket pocket jacket from
The thick hairy tweed fabrics are heavier and have more texture so will add bulk, good for the skinnier guy. A good example is this Thompson ticket pocket jacket from DS Dundee – a Harris Tweed of dark brown hairy herringbone with windowpane check red and blue running through it.

Shetland check 3 button jacket from www,
The heavier or more rounded guys should go for the lighter less textured tweeds, such as Barbour’s medium-weight Shetland check three-button tailored jacket....

Country Tweed sports jacket from
or the less-structured soft country tweed sports jacket in light brown.

Full article on under men's fashion

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