
26 March 2011

CAMILLA BRUERBERG AW11 Colelction at London Fashion Week

The inspiration for this collcetion was evolution and traditional craft.

Focusing on a combination of knits and chiffons ...

....and digital prints

Here seen as a bomber jacket with digital printed denim patches.

Here loose baggy knits were mixed with chiffon panels, jogging style trousers with diaphanous side panels.

Lots of layering for the boho traditional craft look...

... plus different coloured yarn and loose looped stitching mixed  with chiffon for the 'here's one we made earlier' craft look.

The knitwear ranged from chunky 

to fine

But all were baggy and relaxed

Moving away from the knits, chiffon gave a more structured look in panelled tops...

... and over digital prints.
The collection had a laid back feel, although there was one cuckoo in the nest in the disguise of the bomber jacket, looking more bovver than boho - but maybe that was the evolution part of the inspiration?

Last but not least was the footwear. Loved them and want a pair myself -basically long socks covered in a digital printed shoe pattern.

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