
12 April 2011

THE OXFORD- The smartest shoe in the pack

With a name like Oxford it couldn’t be other than smart, but we’re talking about dressy smart here. The name derived from when in the 1800’s university students, especially in Oxford, wanted to wear something different to the knee high and ankle boots everyone else was wearing.
It is sometimes called the Balmoral due to its origins starting in Scotland and Ireland. And the French refer to it as a Richelieu. However the Balmoral shoe now is a particular type of Oxford with no seams apart from the toe cap.
The characteristics of an oxford shoe is the slim fit , closed lacing where the shoelace eyelet tabs are stitched underneath the vamp of the shoe, round toes and a cap. This slim fit is good for men with narrower feet and lower insteps
And for a thorough bred shoe, where better to go than Northampton, the shoe capital of Britain? This is home to some of the Best of British shoe manufacturers.  Northampton has been Britain’s classic shoe making centre since Cromwell’s days due to being on the primary trading routes and the abundance supply of oak bark available which was and still is used in tanning.

Trickers Regent Oxford shoe
Trickers have been making shoes since 1829. They use the best available materials including calf upper leather and oak bark tanned soles, and construct their shoes the Goodyear welted way for durability and comfort. From their 1829 collection is the Regent shoe – a classic plain cap oxford shoe in black calf with leather sole. . But you don’t have to travel all the way to Northampton as Trickers is stocked throughout the UK, the world and online plus they have their own shop in London- 67 Jermyn Street RRP £305.00

Lodger's Hamilton Oxford
You’ll make everyone green with envy in the Lodger’s Hamilton oxfords. In military green the almond toe and heel are burnished to give a two tone effect. Price £450
Or their London shop in 15C Clifford Street London.

If you want to mix touches of continental with your classic then those Italians have the edge. Zanacco the Italian eco-luxury brand have Silvio Sand, a vegetable tanned leather oxford style pair at £365. The lighter sand colour is ideal for the warmer weather.
Angelo Galassolattice Oxford

Angelo Galasso brings texture with a mix of lattice and punch hole designs. Price £560 available at his own boutique shop on 8-10 Hans Road London. 0207 584 3978

1 comment:

  1. I love those Lodger's Hamilton Oxfords! Great looking shoes.
