
18 April 2015

Volcom Featured Artist Series presents Dan Eldon - The Journey is the Destination‏

The Volcom featured artist series began humbly, providing a canvas for Volcom riders, creative friends and young visionaries to express themselves.

Over the last 19 years it has grown into the catalyst for dynamic and exciting large-scale projects like comic books, art shows, animations, music collaborations, zines, internet shows and accessories.

The Dan Eldon Collection
 At the age of seven, Dan Eldon moved from London to Nairobi, Kenya which ignited a lifelong fascination with the land and the people of Africa. As a teenager, Dan combined his passion for art, adventure and activism into a personal philosophy that he called, “Safari as a Way of Life”.

 On July 12 1993, Dan, one of the youngest Reuters photojournalists ever, along with three colleagues, was stoned and beaten whilstcovering the tragic conflict in Mogadishu, Somalia. At only 22 years old, Dan Eldon’s safari came to a sudden end. However, he has left behind seventeen black-bound journals filled with drawings, writings and photographs. Through his art, his journey continues.

 This season Volcom celebrate Dan Eldon’s sense of adventure and creative activism, in the latest Featured Artist Series tee collection, providing the journey truly is the destination.

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