
12 September 2015

JOHN LOBB FILM LAUNCH - A Singular Journey‏

In 1851 a farmer’s son by the name of John Lobb set foot on what was to become an exceptional journey of accomplishment. Aged 22, Lobb left his home in rural Cornwall and walked to London, carried only by his handmade boots.

 The film opens with a map of Cornwall as it would have looked in the 19th century, introducing the villages Lobb journeyed through on his travels, many of which have informed the names of new styles in the Autumn | Winter collection.

A Singular Journey from John Lobb on Vimeo.
Directed by Lisa Gunning, the film depicts a young John Lobb venturing through the rugged Cornish countryside until he eventually reaches the city London.
The film's title; A Singular Journey, signifies not only this epic adventure, but the life of John Lobb himself. The voiced poem, commissioned especially for the film, is written by Cornish poet CP Nield and represents that of an older John Lobb looking back at his life.

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